Britannica Original Sources
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Primærkilder og originale tekster
Britannica Original Sources præsenterer tusindvis af dokumenter indenfor historie, litteratur, naturvidenskab, politik, religion og lovstof.
Britannica Original Sources gives you access to the original sources and personal accounts of humankind’s social, political, legal, and religious development from the dawn of civilization to the present.

Læs mere om Britannica Original Sources
Om Britannica Original Sources:
Basen er en omfattende samling af over 420.000 klassiske materialer, primære kilder og generelle referencer, i tolv emneområder: Verdenshistorie, amerikansk historie, politiske videnskaber, lov, litteratur, naturvidenskab, matematik, sociale videnskaber, filosofi, religion, sprog og sprogkunst.
Læs f.eks. Thomas Jeffersons beretning om underskrivelsen af den amerikanske uafhænghedserklæring eller Leonardo da Vincis notesbøger.
Du finder også primære kilder i vores andre digitale tilbud:
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English description
Britannica Original Sources gives you access to the original sources and personal accounts of humankind’s social, political, legal, and religious development, as well as some of the greatest discoveries, insights, and literary achievements in the words of the actual authors, discoverers, and innovators. It is a reliable collection of resources on the greatest accomplishments of history — from the dawn of civilization to the present.
Please note that you must live in the municipality of Lyngby-Taarbæk and be registered at the library to get access from outside the library.